miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014


The situation in Spain is chaotic light on corruption and that still exists. The immoral way of sharing policy through commissions and all its consequences have been fraud and lying to all levels of the state and much of today's society. The situation is such that even the Spanish Royal House has been infected or has followed the mob arrow public money to meddle with the complicity of the King himself, who knew of the whereabouts of his son , the Duke and that was monarch concern . After talking with friends, and took them to the U.S.. Now is the own daughter of Bourbon for a judge sees as necessary in the wrapped imputed corrupt looting in social associations and NGOs created as a cover . These videos collected the writings published in various media, as well as everything related to metastatic corruption that has been installed in Spain . Graphic elements trying to bring all corners of the globe the real "Spain Brand" at this time. And of course, try to avoid the band and mask that from highest levels of the Ministry of Interior is putting the media and the citizens and that is already in Congress for immediate approval .


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